Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Psst...I have a grand announcement.

We've been working on something recently.
You'll be able to see it soon.
How's August 5th looking for you?
Because you and I, we have a date.
It's called:

Hillcountry Underbelly: A Pilgrimage on the Outskirts
A new play by Elizabeth Doss with original music by Mark Stewart
Directed by Dustin Wills and Kerri Boyd
Featuring: Robert Pierson as Pa (2011 Critic’s Table and 2010 B. Iden Payne Best Supporting Actor), Caroline Reck as the Theotokos, and Jacob Trussell, Emily Tindall, Noel Gaulin, Kelli Bland, Jenn Hartmann, and Mark Stewart as the orphans – oh, and musicians too. 

Scenic design by Lisa Laratta (2010 Critic’s Table Best Scenic Design), costume design by Dustin Wills, projection design by Noel Gaulin and lighting design by Natalie George (2011 Critic’s Table Best Lighting Design).

Are you excited yet?
Read this:

Pa’s fall down a deathtrap rattles through the land like thunder. His ghost appears in limestone, prophesying a great flood will take the hillcountry by storm. His six surviving orphans must head to higher ground to elude their demise. Watch the pack aim to outrun and outsmart every obstacle on the outskirts in the fierce pursuit of life. How do you survive a flood when you’ve lost your roots? Paper Chairs will flood the VORTEX Yard and wash away a scorching August in an environmental production of this torrential tale. Holes, floods, tunes, dogs and buzzards abound. Prepare for a soaking.

Got your ears now?
You can use your fancy technology to buy tickets now!

You probably need this information too.
When and Where:
August 5th-21st. Thursday - Sunday @8:30pm
(we're waiting till the blazing sun goes to rest)
The VORTEX yard (2307 Manor Rd.; Austin, Texas 78722).

How much? 
Pay-What-You-Want Thursdays; Fridays-Sundays after that - $15.00 - $25.00 general seatin'!

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